
Credits for Single (Premium), Bulk and related APIs.

1. Choose a package
2. Choose a purchase option
3. Confirm price
Qty: . Cost per credit:
0.00 Qty: . Cost per credit:
*All dollars in USD
Frequently asked questions
Do you verify emails by sending emails?

No, we do not verify emails by sending messages. Our verification process is non-intrusive and fully GDPR compliant.

How long does it take to verify an email and a list?

The verification process for most emails takes just a few seconds. However, a small percentage of emails may take 1 to 6 minutes to verify. Our system supports concurrent verifications, allowing thousands of emails to be processed simultaneously to save time.

How many credits do I need?

1 credit is needed for every successful verification via Single, Bulk, and API. Single email verifications in Free Mode are free and won't cost your credits.

The Sync feature requires a separate subscription. It charges by the number of total unique emails verified in a given month. Learn more

Is single email verification really free?

Yes, as long as it's not abused by automated means.

Why do you provide free single email verifications?

We believe if people are satisfied with the results from single email verifications, they may be more interested in trying out the paid features like Bulk, Sync and API.

Can I verify emails in my CRM?

Yes! Just go to Bulk > New task and select your CRM to import emails for verification.

Can I verify emails in my CRM daily?

Yes! We have a growling list of supported CRM, like HubSpot. With the Sync feature, you can have BounceBan verify the emails in your CRM daily and then take relevant action (unsubscribe, remove from list, remove from CRM) based on verification results. Learn more about how does Sync work

Do you provide APIs?

Yes! You can visit the API section in the dashboard to view your API credentials.

Do you rollover my unused monthly or yearly quota?

Yes! Your unused credits will rollover to the next period and they won't expire.
For the Sync subscription, it will automatically upgrade and downgrade to the nearest tier. Learn more

Can I buy more credits if my plan quota is used up?

Yes. You can top up credits here:
For the Sync subscription, it will automatically upgrade and downgrade to the nearest tier. Learn more

How accurate are your verification results?

We provide a guaranteed delivery rate of up to 99% for emails marked as deliverable. We also provide an estimated overall delivery rate when you export a bunch of verified emails of different states. Learn more about our guarantee

Is Bounceban GDPR / CCPA compliant?

Yes. We follow GDPR & CCPA regulations in handling business data.